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Pediatric Depression


Below are links to documents written by Dr. Steadman on various topics relevant to Pediatric Depression.


Pediatric Depression: An Overview

Contains a description of various pediatric depressive and mood disorders, a review of risk factors associated with depression, and a review of treatment approaches.


Tell Me Something Good

A worksheet for patients to exercise thinking about positives. Great for any age, as long as patient has basic reading and writing skills.


Healthy Explanations

A worksheet for patients describe thinking patterns associated with depression and how to fight those patterns. Best for adolescents and older.


Problem Areas in Depression and Anxiety

Provides an overview of the tripartite model of depression and anxiety. Includes worksheets for patients to identify what problem areas they have, along with techniques that can be used to address different problem areas. Best for adolescents and older.


What's the Purpose of Feelings?

A document exploring why we have different feelings. This document can also be found in the blog.

Image by Gabriel


Information on pediatric depression, including symptoms and treatment, provided by Effective Child Therapy, a wesbite developed and maintained by the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP), or Diision 53 of the American Psychological Association.


In addition to learning about depression, you may browse the SCCAP website for general, up-to-date, scientifically-infomred information about any childhood disorder or symptoms.

Happy Children


Links to several external resources for youth who engage in high risk behaviors or for youth exposed to self-harm or suicide.


How and when to give back responsibility to a child or loved one when there are safety concerns: Kelly Gunderson, Ph.D.

Part of a series of webinars from McLean Hospital, out of Harvard Medical School. Designed for parents of children with Borderline Personality Disorder or borderline traits, but also provides great information for pediatric depressive and mood disorders.


Webinars on Borderline Personality Disorder, from McLean Hospital

Links to all current webinars in the BPD series.


Talking to Kids about Suicide or Self-Harm

A guide from Rocky Mountain VA about talking to children of various ages about suicide or suicide attempt, especially when this has occurred in the family.

Image by Loic Leray


Links to a list of all current APA Clinical Practice Guidelines, including the recent (2019) practice guideline for depression.

Image by Aron Visuals


Links to several resources on self-compassion and loving-kindness, both of which are evidence-based techniques for managing negative mood symptoms.


Exercises from Dr. Kristin Neff, a leading clinician and researcher and the original developer of Self-Compassion as a clinical intervention.



Holding Hands

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